Tatyana Palyga

Tatyana Palyga

(b.1982) Tatyana Palyga was born in Cherepovets, Russia. From 2008 to 2013 lived in Saint Petersburg, Russia and worked on my personal photography and books projects. Received Bachelor's degree in photography in Paris and Master's in photography in the Czech Republic. In 2016 founded Zoopark Publishing Collective. Currently based in Berlin.

St. Petersburg/Berlin
Artist Statement
Photography is my main medium. In my work I turn attention to personal things: I explore the place I work or live in, people and phenomena that surround me, my family and close relatives, as well to formal features and possibilities of photography. I'm interested in urban space both taken separately and in connection with its inhabitants, human-constructed landscape and its visual representation.
I believe that intimate and composed language of a photographic book is the best suited for my work.

Key projects
Installation views
Even though we created this page for promotional purposes, Attention Hub is a place, where contemporary Russian artists and the global art society meet to communicate.

If you are interested in collaboration of any kind, please feel free
to contatct us or the author directly.